Complete Streets in Georgia
In 2012, the Georgia DOT adopted a statewide “Complete Streets” policy (Ch. 9, page 175). The “Complete Streets” policy describes the process whereby transportation engineers incorporate bicycle facilities on state and federally funded roadways in Georgia. It also includes design specifications for common facilities, such as bike lanes and bikable shoulders.
What are Complete Streets
The best definition is from the National Complete Streets Coalition:
The streets of our cities and towns are an important part of the livability of our communities. They ought to be for everyone, whether young or old, motorist or bicyclist, walker or wheelchair user, bus rider or shopkeeper. But too many of our streets are designed only for speeding cars, or worse, creeping traffic jams.
Now, in communities across the country, a movement is growing to complete the streets. States, cities and towns are asking their planners and engineers to build road networks that are safer, more livable, and welcoming to everyone.
Instituting a complete streets policy ensures that transportation planners and engineers consistently design and operate the entire roadway with all users in mind – including bicyclists, public transportation vehicles and riders, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities.
The NCSC released an engaging new report which analyzes and rates over 200 local and state Complete Streets policies from across the nation. The “Complete Streets Policy Analysis 2010: A story of growing strength” report showcases the very best Complete Streets policies, providing essential guidance for policy makers and advocates alike.
NCSC and Smart Growth America have created a Local Complete Streets Policy Guide as well, which provides guidance on policy development and implementation.
AARP has several valuable resources regarding Complete Streets: